Let's see. I have two things to report but I really can't say anything official yet. Isn't that terrible?
Okay, what I CAN say. On the first one, I MIGHT have a second sale. I hope, I hope, I hope. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
I'm working on a new project with some other authors but I don't know if I've made that sale yet. It's got a lot of promise but I need to write it first. LOL
Anyway, it's forward progress. I hope to be able to tell you more soon.
Buenos noches,
Monday, August 18, 2008
I actually have news to post!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
10:50 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The Latest from Lauren!
The winners of my July drawing were:
Beth Schafer
Tamara Burks
Emilee Frias
Thanks everyone for entering and visiting me! Be sure and enter my August contest - I'm giving away a print copy of Secrets Vol. 23 once it ships to me. You can enter for your chance to win here:
I'll be blogging at the Novel Sisterhood blog tomorrow, 7/16/08. Please come out and blog with me. It's my first group blog appearance and I'm nervous. I'm offering bribes! LOL I'll be giving away a copy of Sofia's Lobo in PDF to two lucky winners and another print copy of Secrets Vol. 23 to be shipped to the winner once I get it - it's brand new!
On 7/21, Devyn Quinn's Virtual Book Tour is stopping at my blog! And she has graciously offered a prize for an attending winner, a print copy of one of her books. Winner's choiceof Sins of the Night, Sins of the Flesh, Trio or Eros Island. All fantastic works!I hope you will come out and blog with Devyn at my blog to meet a great author and for a chance to win. I'm very excited about this.
Sofia's Lobo is now at Fictionwise!
I was SO excited!
Last, I got a couple of emails from you guys - you actually read my blog and forums. Thank you! I will be back to posting progress and anything else in the next couple of days. I've been on a big deadline. No, not the good writing kind. The kind for the day job. You know...
Have a wonderful night!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
10:09 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sofia's Lobo is available on Amazon for Kindle!
I'm so thrilled! Sofia's Lobo is available for download for Kindle on Amazon. Check it out:
Thank you!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
8:46 PM
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Sofia's Lobo gets 5/5 and is a featured review at Manic Readers!
"Lauren Blades writes a beautiful story of romance, mystery, and shape shifter werewolves. I was so caught up in the story that I had to finish it. You are drawn into the plot where the characters are truly in love, and where a ghost is tied in with the tale. This is a sad story, but ends in a satisfying and happy way. I truly recommend Sofia's Lobo to readers that enjoy reading a good ghost story." - 5/5 & featured review, Loretta, Manic Readers
Thank you so much to Loretta! Buy it today from eRed Sage:
Thank you!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
1:34 PM
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Sofia's Lobo is AVAILABLE NOW!
Sofia's Lobo is available to from Red Sage! I'd be honored if you took a look.
After a six-year absence, Sofia Tijerina has returned to her native Juarez, Mexico, with the crew for her reality show This Old Haunted House. Her mission? To film the ghost of La Llorona, a woman who is said to have murdered her children to please her lover's demands, and then to have taken her own life in despair. La Llorona reappears every year on the anniversary of her death, and Sofia knows what a ratings boost she would get from capturing footage of this annual haunting.
But La Llorona isn't the only specter in Juaraz that can haunt Sofia. Antonio Valdes, the sexy werewolf lover she left six years ago, taught her about the truth that lies behind paranormal stories. In a way, he inspired her career as a TV ghost hunter. And now he's a terrible distraction and a temptation she can't resist.
When Sofia begins to have visions of the female ghost, she realizes that Antonio is tied to the mystery of the spirit's fate. Will the secrets he kept from Sofia all those years ago resurface to tear them apart once again?
Buy it today! Thank you!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
10:47 PM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Majorly excited!
Majorly excited!
I just learned this week that my very first novella will be released on May 1st from eRed Sage and I’m so excited! I submitted the story, scared to death, about a year ago and never thought I stood a chance. Now, here I am and I’m just so grateful!
I’ve been busy working on other projects in the meantime. I’ve got two other short works submitted and I hope I have some luck with those. If not, I’ll keep on trying.
Other than that, I’ve been working at the day job and keeping up with American Idol. Still a huge fan of Michaels Johns but I’m also pulling for David Cook and Carly! It’s been an exciting year and everyone is super talented. I think it is anyone’s guess who’ll win at this point.
Happy weekend!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
8:11 PM
Friday, March 7, 2008
American Idol's Top 12
Last night four people were eliminated on AI to reach the top 12. Oh the drama, oh the angst. lol
I was sorry to see Luke Menard go though I think it is justified. He's a good singer but he has no chance to win against some of the others. I wish him luck in his life. He seems like a very nice man and he's very handsome. That never hurts. =)
I was not surprised to see Kady go. I agree with Simon, she just didn't have a personality on the stage. When she was off to the side, there were some rebellious little attitude things going on and that rubbed me wrong. I'd like to say I'm sorry to see her go but I'm not. She was about to go from, as Simon would put it, forgettable to annoying, for me.
Danny. I will not deny that I'm happy to see him go and that I definitely found him annoying. That being said, I was really disappointed to see all of the flap on some boards out there about being glad he was gone because he was gay. He was too gay, they say. You know, that all should really be left out of this, no? What difference does it make if you're gay or straight, black, white, green, or purple, what religion? It should make NO difference. It's a singing competition and it should matter how the contestant sings and performs only.
For the record, it didn't matter to me that Danny was gay or wasn't. As a performer, he just wasn't as strong as some of the others. I should say as a vocalist. His vocals weren't that strong. As a performer, I think he's a good one actually. He gets on the stage and he owns it, plain and simple. So we might see him somwhere, sometime.
He annoyed me because of his attitude. I think it's mostly youth. Constant sarcasm isn't cool. It's annoying and it can be offensive. Being humble is much more appealing. Look at the others who made the top 12. David Archuleta and Michaels Johns are at the top of the humility scale. It's obvious in their demeanors, it's not just lip service. Neither of them have dished any attitude. What's interesting is that they are among the most talented in the top 12. Coincidence? No. I like the term quiet confidence. They don't feel the need to convince people they are good. They don't have to.
Asia'h. What the hell happened there? No offense again to the fans of anyone else, most especially Kristy Lee Cook, but how you can tell me that she was more talented than Asia'h? You can't. Asia'h had a wonderful voice, she was beautiful, she could move on the stage. She could entertain.
I won't say that Kristy can't sing. She's got no chance to win. She IS forgettable. I had to go on Youtube.com to look up this week's performance just to write this blog. She's not unattractive. But she doesn't smile as much as Asia'h did. She's either scared to death or lacks personality. Hard for me to say which. She's so wooden in her movements. That's not to say white girls can't dance. I know that they can. lol But this one I just do not understand and can't believe. Asia'h should still be there. My opinon.
My favorites remain but what a year that at this point I like six people so well. I love Carly, Syesha, and Ramielle. I love Michael, Jason, and David C. Ah, that's right. I didn't say David A. Hold that thought. I'll come back to it.
Oh favorite people? Ramielle, stop being so scared. You're beautiful you're wonderful. Syesha, just keep up the good work. lol Carly, stop trying so hard. Michael, please go back to the big songs. I like Simple Minds and I liked Fleetwood Mac, but they didn't do you any justice. Stop picking up the indulgent stuff. How about, if appropriate, pulling out some Springsteen, U2, Green Day - something big because you know you can do it. Stop messing with these songs that waste you. Please! Jason, I tried really hard not to like you but I do more each week. Keep it up. David C. Stick with what worked this week. That was GOOD.
Okay, back to David A. and I'll include Brooke White in this. Watching you two is like having a daibetic episode. Too sweet, too much. I don't have any advice but that's why I'm having trouble bonding with you. You seem too good to be true. Maybe once you could shamelessly give yourself kudos or something?
That's all I've got on a rainy day. Have a good weekend, amigos!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
9:19 AM