Monday, August 27, 2007

Finding a groove...

Last Monday I wrote to you that I was back on track. Well, that didn't happen did it? I did very well last Monday and then for nearly a week it seemed that I found every excuse not to write and when I finally got everything else done and sat down to get to work, I was nodding over my keyboard.

I'm not going to get a lot done this way.

So I spend Saturday writing down everything I have to do each day and each week. I also decided that it's time I go back over notes and see if I can remember when I'm most productive. Then I tried a couple of things.

Sunday I stayed with what I've been doing. I did everything else I needed to do and then sat down to write around 9 or 10 PM. I was tired, I wasn't in to it. I managed to write about 314 words. It was something at least, right? But not the productivity I want and know I'm capable of.

Now, according to my notes, I have had a handful of very productive writing sessions in the early afternoon. I'm lucky that I can shift my day job a little to accomodate that. So I did it. I wrote from noon to about 2:45 this afternoon. My word count was 766. And that was with a couple of phone calls I had to answer. That's more than double what I did the night before. Interesting, huh?

I'm going to continue on right now and again. I'm a little tired. We'll see what I come up with. Maybe the time of day has nothing to do with it. But I was certainly more alert and creative this afternoon than I am now! lol

I'm writing another short story for another submission call and it's due by 9/1. I don't know if I'll make it but I'm going to try. Werewolves, Spanish castles, and menage. You'd think THAT would wake me up, right? lol

Buenos Noches!


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