Here's a story that I'm not surprised to see. Why? Si, I've done it. Working on that novel on the job. I work as an administrative assistant too so I can see the writer's side of the story. Sometimes when I'm not taking messages for my boss, fetching his breakfast, coffee, and dry cleaning, and working on the endless streams of paperwork, there is down time.
I could do the Martha Stewart thing and think up ways to keep my office sparkling clean, germ free, and with a hint of vanilla scent. But why? I work in a building that was built badly in the 60's and half the people who've worked there for any length of time have "sick building syndrome." Like me, they find ways to sneak in little personal things on company time. Yes, it's wrong and the excuse everyone does it isn't a good one. Still.
Many talk on their cell phone. Many text message. Others collect thousands of fonts and crash out their work computers or do cross stitch under the desk. Me? Si, I sneak in the occasional writing scene. I don't type it on my computer (I'd get caught). I write in a small notebook that has a label "todo" lists. That's too boring so people aren't even curious. Then at night I transfer it on to my computer at home. I'm a very fast typist so it takes no time.
SHOULD I do that? Should that woman have written her novel at work. Probably not. But that's what we do. We love to write, we love to dream. We love romance.
Feliz Navidad!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Fired for writing a romance novel on the job
Posted by
Lauren Blades
6:20 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Special moments
I've been under the weather this week. I have a cold and I've not been doing much after work each day. I pick up something fast food for dinner, like I need that lol, and try to get in bed early. Then for the congestion I can't sleep.
I've been flipping through channels on our satellite service where normally I don't watch t.v. often. I saw several movies over the last several nights that I haven't seen in the longest time. You know those moments in the movie where you're glued to the screen wanting that moment that makes you laugh, cry, hope...
Remember The Man in the Iron Mask? The one from the 90's with Leonardo DiCaprio? I know. Lots of people didn't like that movie but I'll watch it when the opportunity presents itself. I love when Philipe, masquerading as his evil king brother, tries to comfort Christine when she comes to confront "Louis" about the murder of her true love. I love when D'Artagnan tells his son the truth about his lineage and how proud he is of him. I love the ending when they explain that the king known as Louis IX was remembered as the greater ruler of his nation. (happy sigh)
Ever feel like that?
Independence Day has come on every day this week. lol I love when Will Smith's character marries his girlfriend while David and Constance join hands, remembering they once loved each other. David still wears his wedding ring though they divorced years before.
I'd never seen Eight Below before and almost didn't watch it because I just knew there would be an animal death(s) and I don't handle that well. While I was right, oh what a wonderful movie. (Paul Walker is fun to look at too lol) I love the moment when the dog came running to him. I loved Max's devotion to Maya at the end. (eyes getting moist)
You may not like the entire movie but there are those special moments that make it all worth it. That make you watch the movie 200 times before you die. That's why I'm a writer. I just want to hit that note once in a while. Not always. Just some of the time.
Buenos Noches!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
9:50 PM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
October's off to a wonderful start
Finally my day job is slowing down and I'm so happy about that. I've got about three writing projects going and I'd like to finish at least one of them, polish it, and submit it somewhere before the year's end. lol
I got my final copies of Sofia's Lobo sent to Red Sage. I'm still so excited about having a release with them that I don't know what to do with myself. As soon as I have news on it, I'll post it here.
In the meantime it's high sports season here and I had some friends over this afternoon to watch baseball. I'm not a big fan of it, it moves incredibly slow sometimes, but we had a great time. I made an appetizer for my friends you might like to try. Let me know if you do try it and what you thought.
Mexican Stuffed Mushrooms
1 can dced green chilies
1 can tomato sauce
1 garlic clove, minced
1/3 cup thinly sliced green onions
1/4 lb jalapeno/jack cheese,
12 lg mushrooms
2 cup unseasoned stuffing mix
2 ts salad oil
3/4 ts chili powder
3/4 ts ground cumin
Remove mushroom stems and trim, and finely chop stems. In a medium frying pan over medium heat, combine stems, onions, garlic, cumin, chili powder, and 1/4 cup water. Stir frequently until vegetables begin to brown. Add 2 tablespoons water, scraping the pan, and repeat. Add tomato sauce, chilies, and 1/2 the cheese. Remove from heat and gently stir in stuffing. Rub mushrooms with oil. Set cup side up in a 9x13" pan. Mound all the filling into caps. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake in a 400F. oven until cheese is lightly browned, 15-20 minutes. Makes 6-8 servings
Oh, I wrote about 3300 words this week. Not bad.
Buenos Noches!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
6:36 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Making good on that progress idea
Yes, since I last blogged, I've actually made progress in writing. I'm back on track. And it does feel good. I've written about 3,200 words in a week. Not great but not bad, right? The day job is still crazy but should slow down like next weekish. Then I might even have time for creative cooking too. lol You never know. =)
Buenos Noches,
Posted by
Lauren Blades
10:45 PM
Labels: writing, writing progress
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Making progress
I was on such a high on getting the contract from Red Sage, I'm still celebrating, that I fell away from my writing routine. That's a terrible thing to do. For me, it's like exercising. And believe me, that's something I need to do far more of. lol
Seriously, I don't know many people who actually LIKE to exercise. Do you? I have friends who are really into it. They go to the gym and have the home treadmills and workout DVD's. But do they get up in the morning and say "I can't wait to do my 40 minutes of cardio"?
No. lol
For me, writing is the same thing. Maybe it's my newness but I dread writing. What if my story falls flat? What if I say something stupid? What if my single sale was just a fluke?
So every day, I dread writing. I know I should, like I know I should exercise. I know I have to. Especially now since I did sell something. And just like exercising, once I've written? I feel incredible. I'm in a good mood all day.
For the last week, I wrote nothing. What did I feel? Guilty. Like a failure. I did everything BUT write. I even pulled out all of my dishes one day to clean the cabinet shelves because I convinced myself it was far more important than my little meandering stories. How sad is that?
Today, I reasoned with myself. I could continue on procrastinating and make myself feel worse. OR I could get to work. So I rolled up my sleeves and wrote a little over 400 words on the one story. I got stuck so I stopped and went over to the other story and did about 550 words. I feel VERY good now! lol The one story is about 4k so far, the other 2k.
The point is I made forward progress. It doesn't have to be perfect or brilliant or even good.
It just has to be...
Buenos noches,
Posted by
Lauren Blades
10:54 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Another week passes and I'm very happy...
So my first story is coming out soon from Red Sage. It's a spicy ethnic novella entitled Sofia's Lobo.
Sofia Tijerina has returned to her native Mexico to capture the ghost that haunts the Rio Grande, La Llorona, on film for her reality show This Old Haunted House. Antonio Valdes, the sexy werewolf lover she left six years ago, is a terrible distraction and a temptation she can't resist now that he's reentered her life. When Sofia begins to have visions of the female ghost, she realizes that Antonio is tied to the mystery of the spirit's fate. Will the secrets he kept from Sofia all those years ago resurface to tear them apart once again?
I'm so excited about this. I've been a fan of Red Sage for years, I've read every story from Angela Knight to Cynthia Eden but I never dared to hope when I sent in my ten pages that I'd ever be there. ;)
Soon I will be and I can't be anything but humbled by that.
I'm working on two stories at the moment when I have the time. I've been working some overtime lately and I'm so tired when I get home from work. But don't I have incentive now? One story is about a woman who gets more than she bargained for when she signs up to be a nude model for an art class. The other is about a woman who inherited a Spanish castle and two very sexy personal bodyguards. ;)
I'll catch you up on my recipes when I get a chance. Right now, I'm off for sleep.
Buenos Noches,
Posted by
Lauren Blades
9:18 PM
Labels: First sale, Red Sage, writing
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Very good news coming soon...
Darn it, it's not official so I can't really announce it yet but I have to tell someone! lol And considering all my ramblings so far, it's not really hard to guess what that news might be now is it? More soon...
Posted by
Lauren Blades
12:24 PM
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Brava Novella Contest aka crap I did it!
I'd told myself that I'm new and I'm not even going to try that. I'm not even published yet. Who am I kidding?
Then I thought, what do I have to lose really? So I took an bit out of a paranormal I'm working on and sent it in before I had time to talk myself out of it. LOL
Wish me luck!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
11:03 PM
Monday, August 27, 2007
Finding a groove...
Last Monday I wrote to you that I was back on track. Well, that didn't happen did it? I did very well last Monday and then for nearly a week it seemed that I found every excuse not to write and when I finally got everything else done and sat down to get to work, I was nodding over my keyboard.
I'm not going to get a lot done this way.
So I spend Saturday writing down everything I have to do each day and each week. I also decided that it's time I go back over notes and see if I can remember when I'm most productive. Then I tried a couple of things.
Sunday I stayed with what I've been doing. I did everything else I needed to do and then sat down to write around 9 or 10 PM. I was tired, I wasn't in to it. I managed to write about 314 words. It was something at least, right? But not the productivity I want and know I'm capable of.
Now, according to my notes, I have had a handful of very productive writing sessions in the early afternoon. I'm lucky that I can shift my day job a little to accomodate that. So I did it. I wrote from noon to about 2:45 this afternoon. My word count was 766. And that was with a couple of phone calls I had to answer. That's more than double what I did the night before. Interesting, huh?
I'm going to continue on right now and again. I'm a little tired. We'll see what I come up with. Maybe the time of day has nothing to do with it. But I was certainly more alert and creative this afternoon than I am now! lol
I'm writing another short story for another submission call and it's due by 9/1. I don't know if I'll make it but I'm going to try. Werewolves, Spanish castles, and menage. You'd think THAT would wake me up, right? lol
Buenos Noches!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
10:02 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Back on track
So I had to take a week off to catch up on the day job and other personal things. You know, dog licenses, eye exams, that sort of thing. I didn't write a word last week and it was a good thing really because I was caught between two projects.
One I started out white hot and then just didn't know where it was going and got lost. The other one I plotted out first and I think that's what's going to work for me. So this second story will likely be the next thing I complete. It will be my fourth story.
It's hard to write short and each story I've written so far has been short because that's what the submission calls have been for the publishers I'd love to be with. One full is in at Red Sage, no word, one rejection. One is done and needs some work.
And I'm working on this fourth story which has a deadline on the submission call of 9/1. Wish me luck. I wrote 1,216 words today. Not bad.
Posted by
Lauren Blades
8:26 PM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Thus ends another weekend...
So I'm working on a new story. Long story but the fantasy I was working on I put to the side for now. It just wasn't working for me at this moment. That's not to say it won't later. I hope! lol But I started something new and thought it would be great to document the project here. You know, so you can enjoy the rejection with me! lol
So last night I wrote 500 words exactly on it. That never happens. I have no idea of a title either which is something else odd for me. I usually start with the title. So this should be interesting...
The weekend flew by. I'm just now starting to write tonight. Hopefully I'll top 500 words. We'll see how it goes.
Hope it was a good weekend for you.
Posted by
Lauren Blades
10:25 PM
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
A day off is okay once in a while...
Why do we always feel the need to push on and work some more even when we've met an important goal? Can't we take off at least one day to be all over ourselves and happy? Okay, so if you're not supposed to, too bad! lol I took the day off from writing and I don't feel the least bit guilty. How can I when I've written nearly 10k words in the last week. That's not bad.
The new work is exciting. A fantasy this time and a hot one. I'm thinking that since the wait can be long, I might as well have something nearly done if I get good news. Of course, if I get bad news and get rejected I'll now have three things to pedal - but maybe I'll get lucky.
Did you make those brownies? Yes, I did a little cooking today. What did you expect? lol Here's something to try...
1 large bottle of dry red or white wine
1 tablespoon sugar
1 orange
1 Lemon
1 Lime
1 quart club soda
1 ounce brandy
1 ounce triple sec
How to mix:
Slice each of the fruits very thin. Combine with the wine and the sugar. options, Refrigerate overnight. Mix in the club soda just before serving. To serve, ladel into wine glasses and garnish with fruit slices.
Serving glass: Large wine glasses
Buenos noches!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
11:51 PM
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
I've had the BEST day!
You know, last week ended on a hard note but this week is off to an awesome start and today has just been great! The only thing that could possibly make it better is to get my big break - THAT'S how good today was.
And that's unrelated to writing. =)
On the writing front, I last posted on 8/3 right? Here's what I got done:
8/4 - 611 words
8/5 - 2,260 words
8/6 - 2850 words
8/7 - 2,984 words
I'm feeling pretty good today. Hachachachacha!
I even made brownies and if you want to try them with me, here you go!
Chocolate Chipotle Brownies
3/4 cup butter or margarine
6 ounces semi sweet chocolate -- broken into small pieces
3 ounces unsweetened chocolate
3 large eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoons chipotle powder
1/2 teaspoon cayenne powder
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup raisins -- soaked overnight in beer
1/2 cup hazelnuts -- toasted & chopped
confectioners' sugar -- for garnish
Directions: Lightly toast the spices in a skillet over low heat, stirringoften and don't allow to burn.! Combine the spices and flour in a bowl with a whisk. Gently stir the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. Gently add theraisins and hazelnuts, stirring just until combined. Don'tover-mix. Pour the mixture into a greased and floured 9" round pan.Bake in a 350°F oven just until set 25-30 minutes. Coolin the pan. Turn out and cut into wedges. If desired,dust with confectioners' sugar and serve with vanilla ice cream. Night and happy dreams! Lauren!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
10:06 PM
Friday, August 3, 2007
SO glad it's Friday!
Remember that situation I mentioned? It ended up worse than I thought. I spent half of today dealing with that situation. Well, scratch that. Person. A person who in my day job enjoys calling me out over how I do things. Then I explain and it's like I never said a word, I just get more insults and feel more put on the defensive. And I hate that. I guess I'm figuring out there are some people you just can't argue with. They have to have the last word, they are always right, and anything you say falls on deaf ears or is twisted around and thrown back at you.
I'd like to tell you that I did the best thing and turned the other cheek. I've finally reached my limit with this party. I told them I found their particular approach rude and if they couldn't be at least passingly civil, that I really wanted to avoid future interaction.
Of course, that met with even more criticism so I just walked away. It saved the latter part of the day.
The shame of it all is that I'm so mentally exhausted, I don't have anything to give my story tonight. Negativity takes SO much energy and I guess some people live in a constant state of it. Isn't there enough shit out there without creating more? Is it just me?
Life's short and it just pisses me off to waste a moment of it on negative bitchy people. The only regret I have is putting up with the situation this long. As I heard somewhere, I don't start fights.
But I can finish them ;)
Posted by
Lauren Blades
11:32 PM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Ever notice
That sometimes the thing you think you want turns out to be not the thing you need. I had a situation like that today and I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it. I've never been one to make snap judgments - one of my few good qualities lol. I'll mull it over for a couple of days and move on from there.
Not going to be easy.
In writing world, things are moving right along on my new project. I wrote 1,091 words tonight. I don't know compared to other writers if that's good progress or not but I'm guessing as long as I move forward, I'll be okay. lol
Buenos noches,
Posted by
Lauren Blades
11:03 PM
Labels: writing progress
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I'm back!
I finally finished my next work over the weekend so I took a couple of days off. I have to break from all of this once in a while. lol
I've been totally addicted to MySpace. Oh, I'm not chatting or on the shady side but I've got 18 friends now and most all of them are favorite authors of mine. SQUEEEEE! That's a plus!
I got confirmation now that I'm a member of RWA but I guess all I get is an email with a number so I could log into the member area of their site. Oh well.
No word from Red Sage yet. I'm trying to stay optimistic. ;)
So tonight I wrote 1,685 words on a new project. Not bad. Now I'm off to rest. July is over in 29 minutes. What a whirlwind month. Hope it was good for you.
Posted by
Lauren Blades
11:27 PM
Labels: writing progress
Friday, July 27, 2007
So I've discovered MySpace
I'm only how many years behind? lol I conned my web designer into doing up a template for me and I've already got 2 friends.
Oh, listen to those crickets chirping. lol
Hey, one of them is Cynthia Eden who is a favorite author of mine. I found her through Red Sage. The other is a travel guy but I'm not complaining. Anyway if you want to join my friend list (PLEASE! lol) I'm at
I edited last night. I'm editing today. I still have to write the final chapter of this current story. I know how I want to end it I just hope I can do it justice.
Buenos noches and have a good weekend.
Posted by
Lauren Blades
7:47 PM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Still raining...
It's been raining for three days and instead of wanting to write, I want to curl up with a good book or nap. lol I did that for a while when I got home last night. Probably why I only wrote 216 words last night. Bad writer, I know. lol
I've been busy reading the last Harry Potter and I don't mind telling you it's worth the read. I've been very careful to avoid any mention of it in the media. I don't want so much as a hint. I do have to say that if Harry dies at the end of this after all the hours I've spent reading, I'll be majorly pissed off! Somehow I'll make myself put it down so I can get my own writing done.
Have a great evening!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
8:16 PM
Labels: Harry Potter, writing progress
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Can I get a WOOHOO?
Last night I wrote just over 1,000 words. Today, so far because I'm not done, 3,217. I'm on a roll. lol
I love days off!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
3:21 PM
Labels: writing progress
Monday, July 23, 2007
Another week starts...
Today was Monday. Now as much as I enjoy the weekend, I never dread returning on Monday because it's a fresh start each week, right? A new beginning.
The only problem with that theory is that Mondays, for me anyway, are probably the busiest day of the week. Maybe it's because when you get to Friday it's like, I'll do it Monday and you put things off. Unless you work weekends, and I'm lucky not to, there's not a BIG difference between Friday evening and Monday morning, right? You'll be in a better state of mind, you tell yourself. You'll be in a better frame of mind than you are on Friday evening, yeah?
Then everything that everyone put off until Monday is right there that morning, waiting for you. That was the case today. The day went roaring by and now I've gotten home, eaten dinner and have finished up my laundry. It's 7 PM. How the hell did that happen so fast? It can't be Monday night already.
Yeah, it can. And it is. And it's time for me to get some writing done.
I did end up with a total of 2,036 words yesterday and I'm really pleased about that. If I can do anything tonight as tired as I am - and brain dead which is another side effect of Monday - I'll be very happy.
Have a good night and a good week. But I'll be writing something before the end of the week.
Posted by
Lauren Blades
6:53 PM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Working on Sunday
Usually I try to take it easy on Sunday but it's raining, and we needed the rain, and I really want to move on this project I'm working on. It's a paranormal erotic romance with BDSM elements and I really am having a good time writing it. I have no idea how long it will be or where I'll try to send it once I'm done. I love having that sort of freedom.
I read a lot of author blogs and journals talking about deadlines, stress, deadlines, stress. If I'm ever lucky enough to get into a publisher that's one thing I'm going to try to avoid. I'm going to write it, then I'll send it. I'm self-disciplined enough to finish a project - I'm not far from finishing my third. And from what I understand, many publishers won't schedule you in advance anyway instead asking you to be considered each time. That's cool. I don't see how the authors with deadlines do it - though I admire them. It's not like what I do for my day job (office work, yuck!) That can be done mostly with absolutely no creativity most of the time.
Writing? You can't just say, oh good I've got an hour, I'll do 1000 words. Nice if it worked but it so doesn't. Sometimes your mind is clear, you're feeling perky and you can go to town. Sometimes, you've got nothing. Those days are really frustrating and yeah, they happen. If you don't have a deadline, you're fine.
If you DO have a deadline, what do you do?
Writing for me since yesterday has been pretty good. I edited last night. Today I'm just over 1000 words and I'm going to keep going since I don't have much else to do today and I'm NOT doing household chores. My kitchen and bathroom are clean. The clutter? It will be there tomorrow. lol
Have a good evening!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
8:13 PM
Labels: deadlines, erotic romance, writing
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Happy weekend!
I was right. Only did about 95 words last night though I did get some editing done and I don't mind that. Working today on a more positive attitude and trying to remember to relax more. I'm okay on the attitude but relaxing? I struggle, yeah.
Guilty pleasure television time. Thanks to my niece I've discovered a Disney Show named Hannah Montana. Okay, old news. But I saw an episode today that had me rolling in the floor. I love the Roxy character!
Happy weekend!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
7:29 PM
Labels: Hannah Montana, writing progress
Friday, July 20, 2007
Progress today
This is a short one because it's Friday and I really live for Friday! I wrote 2,250 words last night! I was SO happy! I don't know what I'll get done tonight but I'll try after I run errands and get groceries. Wish me luck!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
2:52 PM
Labels: writing progress
Thursday, July 19, 2007
A Better Day!
Yesterday was a little blue for me but today is a new day and with it brings new chances. Why was I blue? I got my very first rejection yesterday from the other house, not Red Sage, that I'd submitted to. It was a generic/form rejection but considering the size of the house and the number of submissions they receive, I know they don't have time to tell me where I went wrong. I already have several different theories on what I could have done better. What I'll do better next time.
The bottom line is that it's a temporary disappointment. A momentary loss.
Conveniently I've never been the sort to dwell on that sort of thing or linger for long. It's a waste of time really. You just move on.
Hey, I got past their first screening reviewer, right? That was really more than I expected the first time out. Next time, the next submission, might be the one. And if not I'll just try again because I'm willing to work hard for what I want -- and I do it the right away.
And I still have the full in at Red Sage. Even if that turns out the same way, look how the first round with the first two manuscripts went. Wonderfully, that's what. Good enough for me for a start.
Notice I said a start. ;)
Despite the news, I was able to write 1400 words last night on my latest project.
Today is a better day.
So what's for dinner?
How about something good for a Thursday. Another favorite of mine.
Beef Tamales Recipe
4 pounds of beef stew meat (cut in 1/4 inch pieces)
1 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
2 medium onions, chopped
2 cups raisons
2 cups water
4 boullion cubes
2 cans pitted ripe olives
1/2 jar Gebhardt chili powder - about
4 ouncescorn husksmaiz
In a large dutch pan, brown stew meat in a little oil, salt and pepper. Add oregano and garlic powder, onions, raisons, boullion cubes, water and olives. Cover and simmer until tender - about 1 hour. Add Gebhardt chili powder. Wash corn husks and set aside to dry. Once the tamale filling above is prepared, add warm water or broth to a bowl maiz to form a paste. Place a corn husk in the palm of your hand and spread enough of maiz paste over the husk to form a shell for the filling that you will spoon into the middle. After spooning the filling into the maiz shell, fold the shell over to seal the filling inside. Place the tamale folded side down in a pan capable of steaming the tamales without allowing them to rest in water. When the pan is full steam the tamales for 25-30 minutes or until they have heated through thoroughly.
More tomorrow!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
2:09 PM
Labels: Challenges, recipes
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
A wonderful thought for today
I really needed it today and hope it can help you too:
I wrote just 316 words last night and hope to do more than that tonight. Wish me luck!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
9:38 PM
Labels: Inspiration
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Today is writing ... cooking!
I admit, I've been stuck on current story in the last two days - maybe that just means that I don't know what I'm doing, yeah? lol This is another paranormal story but a lot different from my first two anyway. I'm still waiting to hear if anyone wants the first two. We'll see what happens. I've got submissions in at two of my favorite houses and that I haven't heard them laughing yet warms my heart. lol
So I decided to cook a nice supper because really I enjoy cooking all kinds of things and always have. Tonight I made Pollo A Las Rajas - a favorite of mine. The recipe is from the San Angel Inn restaurants but in case you'd like to try it, here it is. Hope you like it. ;)
Pollo A Las Rajas
Yield: 4 servings.
4 chicken breast halves
1 cup of chorizo, casing removed and diced
1 large red bell pepper
1 large Spanish onion
1 large poblano chili
1 garlic clove, chopped
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
5 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cup sour cream
1 cup Monterey Jack cheese, shredded
1/2 cup half-and-half cream
1. Season the chicken breast halves with garlic, salt, and black pepper. Place the chicken breast halves in a roasting pan and bake in the oven at 350 for 20 minutes or until cooked.
2. In a saucepan heat 2 tablespoons of oil and lightly sauté poblano pepper until skin starts separating. Peel skin from poblano pepper. Make a slit and remove all the seeds. Slice onion, bell pepper, and poblano pepper into strips.
3. In a heavy skillet heat remaining 3 tablespoons of oil and add chorizo, garlic, onion, and peppers. Cook over medium high heat stirring occasionally until onions and peppers are soft.
4. Add sour cream, half-and-half, black pepper and salt and simmer for three minutes.
5. On ovenproof serving dishes, place 3/4 cup of vegetable mixture. Top with roasted chicken breast. Sprinkle 1/4 cup Monterey Jack cheese on each serving plate. Broil until cheese melts and turns golden. Serve.
Happy Tuesday! Hasta mañana!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
5:44 PM
Labels: cooking, recipes, writing, writing progress
Sunday, July 15, 2007
More good news...
I've heard from Ms. Mills at Red Sage and I'm excited to say that I now have a full manuscript of my novella under consideration. I'm thrilled because I didn't really expect to get this far. No matter what happens, I'll be happy. I'm working on my next work and if I'm lucky enough to get a contract on my first work, I'll post an excerpt. Wish me luck!
Posted by
Lauren Blades
9:45 PM
Labels: Red Sage
Sunday, May 20, 2007
My first baby step!
So I had some very good news today. I submitted the first ten pages of my novella to Red Sage and today I received an email from Felecia Mills asking for the first three chapters by email. Obviously this is a big deal to a newbie like me. I'm yet to come off the ceiling. No matter how it turns out, I'm happy. Red Sage is one of my favorite publishers and so this is dream all in itself. =)
Posted by
Lauren Blades
11:44 PM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
A Warm Welcome to you ALL!
Hello everyone, this believe it or not is my first Blog entry of ALL time! I just want to thank my good friend, Lauren for setting us up, because she knows if it had been left to me we would still be waiting.
Our websites now have the home pages up and running, we are just waiting on the talented Dawn Seewer to put together a blog and entry page template for our joint sites and we will be nearly there...
Now to get writing!
Posted by
Caelan Avery
12:32 PM
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Our very first blog! Me and my super talented cohort, Caelan Avery, hope very soon to tell you about our stories and our journey to becoming published. Thanks for coming to visit us. =)
Posted by
Lauren Blades
8:22 PM