Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Two of my favorite actors are nominated for Best Actor!

Yes, I know. There may not even BE any Oscars this year due to writer's strike but I'm still very happy to learn that both Johnny Depp AND Viggo Mortensen received best actor nominations in this year's awards. I also like Daniel Day-Lewis so if he wins, I won't be unhappy.

Johnny Depp brings something different to every character. You have to love them all. Daniel Day-Lewis, well, he's always scary good.

But Viggo Mortensen, in Eastern Promises, was scary and SEXY. =) I loved the way he played a dangerous underling in the Russian mob. I'm not Russian but the accent sounded good to me. There was so much depth to his character. He was a chilling assassin, he was kind to Anna and Kirrill. He was so many things. He deserved the nomination. It's not likely he'll win but I'm glad he's there anyway. It's a long overdue honor.

More later!


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