Thursday, January 24, 2008

So did anyone else feel...

a little anti-climactic after watching this week's American Idol? San Diego was all warm and fuzzy but not much above boring. I liked Perrie, the single father, and I liked the 16 year-old who had the vocal cord trouble a couple of years ago. When they were just talking to him, I found myself thinking, please let them be nice to him when they sent him packing. He could really sing. It was such a surprise! A good one. I love John Mayer. =)

South Carolina was a little more interesting. I loved the brother and sister and was very happy that they allowed the sister to go through too. I don't think she will make it as far as her brother but they were both good. I didn't like the girl who does the abstinence speeches. I know, I know. She does good works. But you could tell from her reactions that she doesn't handle criticism very well at all.

I wish we'd seen more of the good singers than the folks they choose to focus on. One exception, I'm glad that they talked to the young woman in the AF. Whether she got a yes or no on her AI audition, I loved them showing a very strong, intelligent young woman serving our country. Good choice there.

Hope next week is better.


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